Industry Expert

The success of Wireless Access Control

Following publication of “The Wireless Access Control Report 2018”, we hear from leading security professionals in a range of industries about how they see the market, and the future, for wireless access control.

The Challenges with security in university accommodation

By Jane Farrell, FM Development Manager, Sodexo and Chairman International Professional Security association (IPSA)

Recognising the contribution of contract security

Following on from recent terror attacks in the UK, there has been a lot of support for an increase in numbers of police officers.

Debunking Cyber Security

Over the last few years companies have started to realise that cyber security is a loss prevention issue, and whilst it is a board level issue, it is frequently delegated to the security manager for day to day responsibility.

Hot potato

This article is an opinion piece by Justin Bentley, Chief Executive Officer of the International Professional Security Association.

Retail Security

Article by Justin Bentley, Chief Executive Officer of the International Professional Security Association (IPSA)

What protection does an SIA licence give?

At the time of writing, the security industry is still waiting for the Home Office to publish the findings of the review of the Security Industry Authority (SIA) which started earlier this year.

Making a difference against Terrorism

Justin Bentley, Chief Executive Officer at the International Professional Security Association, looks at how to upskill your security officers in Counter Terrorism Awareness, without breaking the bank.

Princes and Paupers of Transport Security

With a global economy, as well as vacations being taken further and further afield, both air and sea transport are essential elements in moving both goods and people.

Moving with the times

It is not that many years since the choices for protecting a client’s site was either plenty of locks, barred windows, fences, etc. or the use of one or more night watchmen...

Any port in the storm

In recent years one area of focus for the International Professional Security Association (IPSA) has been the need for a better understanding of the specific issues for dock and port security and the related training requirements

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