USA, UK, Italy, France and Austria reveal updates on Border Security projects

USA, UK, Italy, France and Austria reveal updates on Border Security projects

Next month, SMi will return to Rome, Italy for the 10th annual Border Security conference on the 15th and 16th February 2017.

“The recent U.S. election cycle has intensified the already significant pressure to address border protection and illegal immigration, with similar movements crystallizing in Europe… Concerns about vulnerable borders have been building for years as rapid globalization highlights the need for stronger controls.” *(Source)

This truly global event will bring together senior law enforcement officials and leading industry experts from Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and USA to discuss how to enhance border security measures around the world.

The 2017 agenda will explore how political issues affecting the border security community, such as increasing immigration in the Mediterranean as well as cross-border terrorism, can be combated and managed using innovative technological solutions. Enhancing surveillance and detection strategies, biometric technology and exploring the threats against land, sea and air borders will take centre stage this year.


New sponsor Accenture will be sending James Canham, Border Services Global Lead, Jenna O'Steen, DHS Solution Strategy Lead and Daniel Bachenheimer, Unique Identity Services Global Lead to present on 'Emerging Border Security and Facilitation'. Between them they will discuss: industry trends for secure entry/exit facilitation in airports; key drivers for biometric entry and exit and air, sea, and land ports; evaluation methods used by Accenture and lessons learned as well as legislative updates.

New speaker Mr Mike Jones, Identity Dominance System Technical Lead from the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division of the U.S. Navy will be speaking on day one on 'The US Department of Navy Identity Dominance System'. Mr Jones will touch upon the US Navy’s biometrics program background; current program capabilities and looking ahead to ensure effective training and the development of future technologies.

Running alongside the conference will be a pre-conference workshop entitled ‘Biometrics for Border Management and Security’, which will be led by Max Snijder, CEO of the European Biometrics Group,

European Association for Biometrics.

This half day workshop will provide a comprehensive overview of the current use of biometrics as a part of border control. The workshop will provide insight into biometrics, recent trends and developments as well as looking ahead at the role of biometrics in the future of identity management. Specific subjects covered will involve Mobile Biometrics, Cyber Biometric and Public vs Private data sources.

For those wishing to attend the conference and workshop, register at     

Border Security 2017 is sponsored by SITA, WCC Smart Search & Match andAccenture

For sponsorship packages contact Sadia Malick on +44 (0) 207 827 6748 or email

For delegate enquiries contact James Hitchen on +44 (0) 207 827 6054 or email  

For media enquiries, contact Zoe Gale on +44 20 7827 6138 or

Border Security
15-16 February 2017
Rome, Italy                       
Contact e-mail:
Contact tel: +44 (0) 207 827 6054
Sponsored by: SITA, WCC Smart Search & Match and Accenture

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